EBRAINS Seminar A: Overview, Data Sharing and Brain Atlases
3rd December, 2024, 17:00-18:30 JST, 9:00-10:30 CET
Katrin Amunts
EBRAINS – concepts, services and applications
Trygve Leergaard
Brain Atlases
Oliver Schmid
The EBRAINS Knowledge Graph - a scientific metadata management solution
This seminar, as part of an ongoing series, will introduce the EBRAINS research infrastructure (RI), featuring a presentation by Prof. Katrin Amunts, co-CEO of EBRAINS. The session will also provide an overview of two key components of the infrastructure: the EBRAINS Knowledge Graph (KG) and the EBRAINS Brain Atlases by Oliver Schmid and Trygve Leergaard respectively. The EBRAINS Knowledge Graph is the metadata management system that underpins EBRAINS’ Data and Knowledge Services. It offers essential tools and services designed to make neuroscientific data, models, and software FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable). EBRAINS Brain Atlases provide comprehensive maps of brain regions defined based on structure, function and neural connections. As spatial reference systems for neuroscience, they are essential for understanding the complexity of the healthy brain, studying brain disorders and seeking to develop new treatments.